Pass Common Sense Gun Control Now

The GOP ought to be ashamed of themselves.

They are a bunch of friggin Hypocrites!

The GOP claim they’re pro-life, yet they continue to block common sense gun laws that would save lives.

The right of many Americans to be safe while going about  their lives is as American as the 4th of July, eating a hot dog at the ballpark, apple pie.

Whether gun violence has occurred in Sandy Hook, Oxford, Parkland, Aurora, Charlotte, Virginia Tech, Orlando, Vegas, Buffalo, innocent lives were cut short.

Many families have been torn apart and devastated by someone who had shot a weapon.

The most recent attack occurred 2 weeks ago in Uvalde, Texas. 

19 students and 2 teachers were slain after a young man with an assault weapon opened fire in classrooms at Robb elementary school. 

The shooter shot his grandmother earlier that day and was later killed by a border patrol agent.

The shooter recently turned 18 and purchased two assault rifles a week ago. 

Even after all the tragedies, the GOP continue to block common sense gun control bills.

The bills would ban assault weapons, expand background checks, raise the minimum age to buy a weapon, close loopholes at gun shows, ban ghost guns and strengthen red flag laws.

The GOP claim that any form of gun control would violate the 2nd. Amendment. 

Once again GOP logic doesn’t work.

There’s no excuse why the GOP block the bills.

Even former president Ronald Reagan wanted an assault weapon ban & the Brady Bill passed.

The assault ban was passed in 1994. The GOP led Congress let the ban lapse in 2004. 

The Brady bill which expanded background checked was named after Reagans former press Secretary James Brady.

The bill was passed after Reagan and James Brady were shot by John Hinkley Jr. in 1981.

Reagan was wounded and James Brady was paralyzed.

Most Americans want to see common sense gun laws passed. 

Most Americans want to feel safe in their communities and want to see their children safe when they’re in school.

By passing common sense laws,  maybe life can get back to some form of normal and students can feel safe in schools again.

What Republicans are doing is destroying our country.

By not passing the laws, Republicans are proving they don't give a damn about constituents they were elected to serve.

The laws Republicans passed are restrictive, abusive, disgusting.

We all want to be safe.

We all want students to be safe when they are in school.

The best way we can do that is to tell our representatives and Senators to pass common sense gun laws.


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